Sunday, December 29, 2019

Napoleon and the Enlightenment Essay - 2143 Words

Napoleon and the Enlightenment Napoleon and the enlightment Napoleon was one of the most influential people in the history of the world. He has affected people throughout the globe in many ways. He rose through the confusion of the French revolution to become Emperor of the French. His goal was to conquer all of Europe. Through out his lifetime he nearly succeeded in his goal. Napoleon was probably one of the greatest military leaders that ever lived. Napoleon Bonaparte, who is also known as the little Corsican, was born on August 15,1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica. He was known as the little Corsican because of his height of 5 feet 2 inches. He had 7 brothers and sisters. His original name was Napoleon Bonaparte in Corsica but it†¦show more content†¦After the French monarchy was overthrown on August 10, 1792, Napoleon decided to make his move up in the ranks. After this, Napoleon started becoming a recognized officer. In 1792, Napoleon was prompted to the rank of captain. In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. He seized ground where he could get his guns in range of the British ships. Soon after Toulon fell, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. In 1795, he saved the revolutionary government by controlling a group of rioting citizens by using a famous technique of his. He loaded a bunch of pellets into a cannon and fired it at the crowd. Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. He defeated four Austrian generals in succession, and each army he fought got bigger and bigger. This forced Austria and its allies to make peace with France. But after this, Napoleon was relieved of his command. He was poor and was suspected of treason. Napoleon had no friends. No one would have suspected what Napoleon would do next. In 1796, Napoleon was appointed to put down a revolt in Paris. He calmly took complete control of the situation. He had his men shoot all the rebels in the streets. The French government was saved, but they decided to form a new government ca lled the Directory. Under the new government, Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. During this campaign, the French realized how smart Napoleon was. He developed a tacticShow MoreRelatedNapoleon And The Enlightenment1214 Words   |  3 PagesNapoleon And The Enlightenment The enlightenment was a time of great learning throughout Europe during the eighteenth century. Although the period is significant for scientific and other scholastic advancements, it is most important because it allowed for the opening of great minds--such as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly after this enlightenment made its way through Europe, revolution and civil war ripped through France between 1879 and 1899. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Relationship Between Wacc Blackberry’s Value - 1088 Words

Executive Summary: The purpose of this paper is to identify the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) in relation with the firm value. Also, there are some aspects discussed in the paper regarding when a firm should accept a project and when to reject. Systematic risk will be also discussed in the paper concerning their target market and how risky is that. Finally, the approach that BlackBerry took into consideration to overcome their risk. Discussion: All companies’ assets are financed by either equity or debt. The equity is the amount of fund that contributed by the shareholders. The debt is the amount of money that the company borrowed from banks. WACC is the average cost of growing the capital in the company. For example, if the†¦show more content†¦In a situation like this, the company cannot cover how much they spend into their capital expenditure because of the minority of their target market. On the other hand, its competitors Apple and Google are in good shape because they are main target markets are people who are interested into games. This is a benefit for these two competitors because the majority is interested into these types of phones. In order for BlackBerry to get better and perform well they need to expand their target market. Along with expanding the target market, BlackBerry has announced their new phone Z10 which is mainly for people who are into games. A big success for BlackBerry has been realized after this new phone is on the market. Moreover, in the firs quarter of the current year, BlackBerry has sold 4 millions Z10 phones. On the other hand, the new phone Q10 that is mainly targeting business people have a sale record of just below 1 million phones (Quintaro, 2013). In conclusion, WACC is an important tool that indicates how much can investors expect their rate of return would be. Also, it is an indicator of how risky the firm is. The riskier the firm, the higher the WACC would be. On the other hand, the NPV shows and suggest whether the firm should go ahead with the project or not. When the NPV is negative, companies should reject the project. BlackBerry’s risk is that they onlyShow MoreRelatedMergers Acquisitions: The Case of Microsoft and Nokia Essay23810 Words   |  96 Pagestheir business strategies. Indeed, Mergers and Acquisition are considered one of the best strategies to increase shareholder value despite its hardship to be well-implemented. For this reason, a consolidation between Microsoft and Nokia may create new opportunities to challenge the market. Thereby, the focus of this dissertation will be the calculation of the additional value created by combining both firms bearing in mind the companies’ financial situations. All this considered, Nokia’s average

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sleep Disorders Essay Example For Students

Sleep Disorders Essay 4) SLEEP DISORDERS, SYMPTOMS, KNOWN CAUSES AND TREATMENTS. Sleep is something that every person needs. Without sleep a normal days task seem never ending. Your body suffers and you suffer even people who come in contact with you suffer too. Without sleep you can function normally. Your moods change changing your personality, changing how you perceive the world. The average adult needs eight hours of sound sleep each night. However most adults get between five and six hours, (Encarta 1998).This one or two hours that is lost each night can have an affect on our health and our lives. The single element that ties sleep disorders together is that they disrupt in one or more parts of out sleep cycle.(Zimbardo pg.98) The three types of sleep disorders are: insomnia, narcolepsy and sleep apnea. These disorders make a nights sleep sometimes hard and mostly uncomfortable. Insomnia is a disorder that involves insufficient sleep. (Zimbardo pg. 98) Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. Insomnia occurs on a regular basis. Its symptoms are chronic inability to fall asleep quickly, frequent arousals during sleep or early morning awakenings.(Zimbardo pg.98) Insomnia can be caused by stress or constant worrying, medical problems or mental disorders. The lack of sleep can cause depression and heart disease. In most cases adults suffer from insomnia. A change of lifestyle can help cure insomnia. Taking time out during the day just to relax and unwind can help get better nights sleep. A doctor can sometimes prescribe over the counter medicine or prescription sleeping aids. Some popular sleep aids are drugs like Klonopin or Valium. They are benzodiazepines with slow the nervous system (Encarta 1998) Sleep apena is a respiratory disorder, (Zimbardo pg. 98) in which the person stops breathing while sleeping. It results from a collapse of the airway, when muscle tone relaxes during sleep. Breathing stops, the bloods oxygen level drops causing the sleeper to awaken and begin breathing.(Zimbardo PG 99). Symptoms include loud snoring, pa uses in breathing during the night, irritability or choking, gasping snorts during sleep. (Sleep Apnea, Chris Hassel pg. 20) Most people experience a few sleep apneas during sleeping but someone suffering from this disorder can have hundreds of episodes in one night. It can turn into unusual daytime behaviors as laziness or neglect. (Zimbardo pg. 99) It can cause headaches and daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea can also cause serious health problems such as increased blood pressure which can put dangerous levels of stress on the blood vessels and heart.(Zimbardo pg. 99)Doctors can treat sleep apnea with a device that pumps extra air into the lungs and jeeps the airway open during sleep. ( Zimbardo PG.99)Narcolepsy is a symptom where you suddenly fall asleep without warning. It happens so suddenly that people fall asleep while eating, driving and talking. Oddly anything exciting causes a narcoleptic attack (Zimbardo Pg.99) It is described as a disorder of REM sleep involving sudden REM sleep attacks accomplished by cataplexy(Zimbardo pg.99) Cataplexy is a second symptom of narcolepsy. It is described as a sudden loss of muscle control. (Zimbardo pg.99) These episodes occur right before the narcoleptic attack. The person feels like they are awake but unable to move. Narcolepsy is a disorder of REM sleep. The victim of narcolepsy has an abnormal sleep -onset REM period. Instead of the usual time it takes REM to occur (ninety minutes) narcoleptics REM period starts as sleep begins. ( Zimbardo Pg.99)Narcolepsy has no cure but there are a lot of medicines that blemish the frequency of both the sleep attacks and cataplexy. (Zimbardo Pg.99)These sleep disorders can have consequences that affect everyone. Insuffient sleep affects everything that we do whether it is consciously or subconsciously. Words/ Pages : 623 / 24