Friday, May 29, 2020

   Every ten episodes of The Arts of Language Podcast is extra special. On those occasions, Andrew takes the opportunity to answer your questions that come in through It’s an enjoyable podcast to check out because the topics are so varied. Episode 130 is no exception. This past episode, Andrew answered a wide variety of questions spanning many different topics, some IEW-related, others not. A smattering of the topics include questions about high school, grammar, Latin, teaching students with learning difficulties, and even coffee consumption! Are you looking for guidance for how to approach studying a difficult or lackluster subject? Do you think your student needs more instruction in the art of grammar? Are you looking for ways to help your students capture notes from a live lecture? Or perhaps you’re interested in learning who Andrew’s favorite composer is. Listen in to the podcast and find out! It will be an entertaining and educational way to spend thirty minutes of your day. We are certain of it! Keep Andrew on his toes! We encourage you to submit your questions to him at And if he doesn’t get to your question in the show, our dedicated customer service team will be delighted to respond to it. Did you know that we also have a wonderful live question-and-answer opportunity coming soon? It’s IEW’s Virtual Spring Mini-Conference and will be held Saturday, April 28 from 10:00 AM‒5:30 PM central standard time. Andrew Pudewa will be there to answer your questions, as will a host of other experts such as Todd Wilson, Lee Binz, Jill Pike, and Laura House. The event is free, and you can register for it today. We hope you will join us!   

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